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Sara Harrup – what makes good coaching good, coaching neurodivergent people and coaching as a board director.


    Sara Harrup joined Brendon Le Lievre for a coach conversation where they discussed what makes good coaching good, coaching neurodivergent people and coaching as a board director.

    About Sara

    Sara is a successful Board Chair, Non- Executive Director and Coach. She also has ADHD and some Autistic traits. She slipped through the cracks because she was smart and really good at masking. She knew she was different, and for a while focused on her deficits rather than her strengths. Through her executive career she started to learn how to truly leverage the strengths her different brain offered her, and now she works with others to unleash the strengths of their brains.

    Sara coaches people whose brains are wired differently, diagnosed or not! They are often in roles where their brains ask a lot of them and their different wiring makes them vulnerable to tough environments. We are talking about CEOs, Board Directors, Board Chairs and Senior Executives.

    Sara facilitates learning and insights for Leaders and Boards who want to harness the power of specialist, unconventional thinkers! Sara also shares her insights on Linked In about Boards, Leadership, and the power of relationships to harness our collective brain power for success!

    Sara is for the late bloomers, the before-their-timers, the people and organisations that want to know themselves well so they can bring their best to the world!

    Connect with Sara
